Camper Under da Trees

More mist hanging over the hills, clear a lower levels.  The sun came out for a while, warm and calm.  Rain after teatime, dry again.

A busy day working in the airport.  I was on check-in first thing, and then had some training with the helicopter check-ins in the afternoon.  A delayed flight this evening, we had to stay later.  Walkies with Sammy and friend Julie, and now feet up for the rest of the night.

The house a couple of doors up from me, belongs to Candida Doyle (Pulp), and she rents it out as Airbnb.  It's good to see it busy with guests, as things slowly return back to normal.  This guests also have their own VW camper too.  I've always wanted one, maybe some day my dreams will come true.  Taken outside St Catherine's, Houl Road / Hillside Road, Scalloway.  

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