Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Wednesday relax

Lie in this morning, then leisurely breakfast. Was due to see AJ this morning but as she is in isolation I’m not able to. Trip to the supermarket - got a top for AJ to cheer her up, and some shopping, collected coffees to return home. Home via AJs home to drop off her bits and then my sister to drop some shopping in and coffee. :)

Collected Caleb from school this afternoon, he was in a good mood, he was lovely. He played with his cars for a while then he had tea. During tea we read a story and had a chat about his day. After he’d eaten, decided to do some drawing. We talked about his caterpillars that he is looking after at home and how they turn into butterflies - hence the drawing. He’s very good at colouring and keeping within the lines. :)

Just watching the football - boy it’s tense :)


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