It's not every day that you get invited to an exotic pet shop. It was the kids that got invited and I don't think that MrsTFP was that enamoured with the prospect of a room full of snakes, lizards, spiders and scorpions so I went along.
Cousin cousin Alistair has a friend who owns an exotic pet shop in Paisley so invited us to go along and meet a few of the above mentioned animals. We walked in to Barry being fed live locust on the floor. Barry being a 3 year old three foot monitor lizard. I don't think I caught this chameleon's name but he was rather energetic wee thing clambering very enthusiastically up our arms. When I say our, I mean me and Cousin Cousin Alistair. Ewan stroked him but Bethany, although interested in the animals, wasn't for getting up close and personal.
I must admit, I do like my pets fluffy and where fluffiness is accompanied by no more than four legs but I was rather taken by this wee felly.
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