Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Oh, hi there

Not that I don't see enough wildlife around here as it is, but even when I'm not looking the wildlife seems to find me.

On my way to the Monarach boat pier who shows up but this cheeky fellow. A juvenile yellow-eyed penguin, or hoiho. And judging by the look of him a pretty plump one. Good on ya mate!

We were afraid of too many tourists oogling over him when the boat arrived back to the pier so I was asked to coerce him back to the water. He stared at me dumbly like this as I gently shooed him away. He wasn't having any of it though. I actually had to nudge him gently with our broom and he still would barely budge! Finally he waddled a few steps away to a place more discrete casting me an impetuous sidelong look.


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