The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Just Enough

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Rod (my friend and former colleague) is over from Ireland for a couple of days and had a late afternoon/night out planned to catch up with his old (and my current) workmates.

I wasn’t really looking forward to it to be honest. I love Rod’s company but when the guys get together, they get all alpha after about 3 pints* and the “competition banter” starts. By pint 5, I am over it.

But as weather was awful and as Rod decided to bend the rules (he booked a table for 6 inside*), I had the perfect reason not to go. It was the first time I have thought “Hurrah for COVID restrictions”!

I was happy pottering about in my pjs, planning to settle for the evening when I received a text to say they’d found an outside table for the last couple of hours of the evening.

I pulled a hoodie over my pj vest** and went to meet them. It was great to see Rod and get his chat and the 10 pm closing time was perfect. I might have to move to England. I will never cope when the pubs start opening late again!


*The current rules for inside allow 6 but only from 3 households.

**Thats how low my bar is now set for making an effort!

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