skinning up

this afternoon we left Spitziland and went to that strange world known as Zürich. On the Lindenhof (an exceedingly boring place that no one in their right mind would want to go to) I stopped to take a few photos of the view. As we walked over towards some punks who were scaring people away from the view they put on one of my favourite songs (this one). So we sang along whilst taking photos. They gave us a flyer about communism. I noticed that one of them was wearing the same jacket as Mr. Spitzi wears (you can just see the sleeve) - I call it his cuddly-granny-jacket, but obviously it's punk innit. Now the Lindonhof is a really cool place, apparently. Funny how quickly people can change their minds.

Afterwards we went into a toy shop. I bought Flea one of these and she played it through the rest of afternoon's visit to Zürich. She loves it, not sure if Zürich loves her......

Later on, we went to a 30th birthday party. People who are 30 are very young........Littlest was very tired so we didn't stay there long - enough to say hello to everyone and to eat delicious food (the man who was cooking even made something special for me - isn't that sweet?!) - before heading east again and being carried up to bed....

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