Hello Dolly.

Booked into the gym but as I was early, went to the library to order a book for J, and couldn't resist borrowing a new book for myself. Books don't have to be quarantined any more apparently! I got to the gym and couldn't see any sign of Des, so while I was waiting did some weights. Still no sign of Des but when I looked at the top of the gym, there he was. He had been there all along. The locker rooms are still closed which I am finding rather annoying, as I have to carry my gym bag around with me. I shouldn't have picked up the books either as I didn't have a lift home.= and my bag was really heavy. I decided to bit the bullet and catch a bus home, my first time since the first lockdown. The experience wasn't too bad, as there were only three people on the bus, but I was glad to get home and wash my hands thoroughly. 

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