electric cars and car clubs

I am very impressed with Zipcars.

Finding myself without a car for the first time since I was 18 years old has put me off balance in a rather unpleasant way. I do cycle a lot and feel that my car use is less than average but I hadn't realised just how difficult I would find it to be without. As I don't have a current insurance policy and am not a named driver on anyone else's policy right now I am in limbo.

Zipcars to the rescue! I signed up to the car club and hired a car for the day. Cars can be hired by the hour, and this is one of their electric car points. I hired a normal version and just turned up and unlocked it with my phone and drove away. How very very modern.

I had a tough week at work wondering if leading training courses is something I am good at, and trying in my own way to teach. I find one to one teaching with a practical example so much easier.

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