
7.30 am off with friend  to a midpoint service station for her to purchase a van.
11 am meet with  seller.
An hour & a half learning the ropes of this ultra modern vehicle.

 Me standing around watching comings & goings in this dodgy car park!

3 hours  waiting for friend to convince the bloody fraud squad  a large bank transaction was for  purchase of said vehicle and not a shedload of drugs!
Transaction complete
A further two hours trying to get said by now hated vehicle insured.

In the meantime I saw a guy sell a drone, several other guys buy & sell phones, some strange dog goings on!  A female with a pelmet for a skirt  wishing lorry drivers well! and finally police huckle a stowaway who had jumped out of yet another lorry but the station cameras caught him.

5hours later I was back home & pal had finally purchased a very fine vehicle.

Was certainly an education! 

Now I know where TV writers get their ideas from!

Took no photos, (too scared) then phone went flat. (I should have bought one off the dodgy seller. So you get the lighthouse taken this evening.

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