Mid-afternoon lull
This was not necessarily the tea I needed post-lunch... Another good day’s work, despite a sleepy half hour after this tea.
Gardener came this morning and installed a very smart gravel path to replace the bark path that the hens had almost entirely relocated to the lawn and flower beds. Of course within ten minutes of being released they had started covering the gravel with soil...
The plasterer (who came earlier in the week up to size up the redoing of the front of our house) came back to have his boss look at the job (which makes me very concerned about the size of the quote...) He was quite concerned with how Mr B had covered our top floor terrace, but once I explained that he had done all the pre-decking steps that were needed, the boss was happier. Quite the tiniest man I’ve seen in a long time which, with his strong local accent, gave me quite a job in understanding him.
CarbBoy had a good tutoring session on vectors (I can’t tell you what they are, but CarbBoy has threatened to tutor me on the subject on our next walk). Tonight we got to to watch some catch up episodes of Beechgrove Gardens by a means that Mr B assures me is (a) legal and (b) cost money (which makes (a) more plausible). Earlier a lovely sit out in a cool (24 degrees) evening garden bathed in the sounds of frogs, crickets, and birds.
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