A plan was hatched as DrD had a welcome anchorages brochure showing that a mere 10nms up the coast there was a new whisky distillery* which offered tours to visitors, and which had laid visitors’ moorings. Well! Obviously we got in touch, and yes we could be fitted in, before midday.
That’s where our plans came unstuck. By the time we’d breakfasted and battled against both tide and wind (wind!), time was clearly running out. Still, we reconnoitred the moorings for a possible future visit; the lovely Amy promised us whisky and cake on a future occasion and wished us well in “Tobs.” Tobs it was then.
A stroll about the town. A town with no postage stamps for sale anywhere (the post office does half days) but postcards aplenty. And mobile internet from the dark ages.
Still, we had a spiffing time and even found a bar serving food with big screens for the England-Denmark semi-final. A game where Denmark scored two goals but England deservedly won with a stonewaller. Still, finals is finals.
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