Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

2386. Early birthday zoom party!

My lovely sister and her husband joined us for a zoom brunch/dinner this morning and after a few technical glitches we ate, laughed and my husband opened his presents from my sister and her husband and my brother and his partner too…

My sister received a very special limited edition Sydney Olympics commemorative stamp album in 2000 at a dinner in Melbourne attended by the then prime minister. They then gifted it to my Mom and Dad for their golden wedding anniversary. We had no idea what had become of it so she asked my lovely brother to find it amongst some of my Mom’s things that he still had in storage. He managed to find it in the last box he looked through and posted it up to us so that they could gift it to my husband for his 70th birthday (which isn’t actually for a couple of weeks yet). He was absolutely delighted with it and so special that it’s a real family heirloom too. So thank you to my wonderful siblings for being so kind and generous. But the gifts didn’t stop there….my brother-in-law has an old school friend who happens to be a military historian and he managed to source a wonderful book about Australian soldiers in the First World War written by his friend who also added a very personal message to the book. It was an amazing experience!

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