
It’s been a day of disparate tasks. I thought I’d get to the post office with Callum’s birthday present in good time this morning but Pooley was already heaving. That was followed by the joys of having to find new home contents insurance having been told by the Cumberland that my policy would cease to exist. Then I sat in the garden with a coffee and patched my ‘shrinking’ jeans while enjoying the peace of the lull in the holiday cottage turnover. The neighbours lavender was tumbling across the shared path so it’s a case of walking through it, which is very pleasant and it turned out that some of it jumped into my homemade shortbread.
Into town for a quick shop and then I dug up my first beetroot for a tarte tatin (extra) whilst listening to Dead Ringers ...hard to know whether to laugh or cry half the time.
I nearly went for a cycle but as i was talking to a near neighbour who’d had a bad dose of covid earlier this year, probably from working at the testing centre, it started raining so abandoned that idea.
My elderflower ‘champagne’ is starting to fizz! Very exciting... I had a little taste ...

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