Land of Confusion

On Monday we got the offer of a night out at the theatre today. Two people had to drop out, did we want to go and see the musical “Six” at Blackpool? Not one on the radar but, having been deprived of theatre for over a year, we jumped at the chance. We could even have a lift there and back.
For the first time in nearly two years, I put on a smart shirt and trousers (and not just because all my t-shirts are at the bottom of a cardboard box) and prepared to mix with other people in a social setting.
Arriving in Blackpool, we found it was very busy. The sort of busy that makes you feel like keeping a mask on most of the time. With a little while to wait until the show started we found a cafe with seating outside and I went in to order the drinks. “Do you do decaf coffee?” I asked. “Yes we do” was the reply. “Could I have one decaf coffee and two teas please” “no problem, we’ll bring it to your table”.
Imagine the confusion then, when we received 4 saucers, 3 mugs and three pots of tea. More milk was promised but never arrived - and nor did the decaf coffee. Couldn’t be bothered trying to sort it out, so just accepted the teas.
Then it was up to the theatre where we were surprised to be asked to go and get our tickets checked at the box office. Me and Mrs C stayed outside, but could tell that the conversation was not going well. The upshot was that all tickets had been cancelled and refunded and it was necessary to have rebooked for tonight’s show. An email had been sent to that effect last week. Despite a claim of no knowledge of such an email, it was eventually tracked down, as was the refund. It was just that neither had been spotted before now!
With tonight’s performance totally sold out, there was nothing to be done except go for a walk along the prom and have a look at the “Comedy Carpet” in front of the tower, before heading back home.
This quote caught my eye and kind of summed up the spirit of the day!

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