Common wintergreen

(though not exactly common!).
Today is actually our anniversay (see yesterday to see part 1 of the celebration) and we had weather better than expected so went up a hill.
Morrone is just above Braemar and the direct route is a steep slog of over 550m in about a mile and we usually go up this way and down a longer one. Today we did the longer, less steep, way up and came down the steep one, passing lots of people struggling up, it was warm and humid. 
Near the bottom we turned off for a walk through the regenerating birch woods which are in different stages of growth. The wild flowers were excellent, with lots of varieties and just one plant of the Wintergreen spotted on the more open section. I've cheated a bit with the extra by doing a collage of the duck pond reflections, an old shed, the view across to the eastern Cairngorms, a moth, the oldest section of the wood and the Cairngorms with a just-beginning-to-regenerate area.
A wander round the village, fish and chips and home.

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