It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

25 Years Service

Well I could have murdered someone for less….. mind you I could have a large list!
My store manager saw me at the start of shift and said “I’ve got your badge upstairs…. Do you want it?”
“Oh go on I said” Handed me a cardboard box with a card in it and a badge. He mumbled the word Congratulations and went back downstairs….. yeah thanks I said under my breath!
Wow what a guy!!!
Still I’ve got £360 to spend in a Tesco store!
It’s my birthday today and I’m 48.
If you add 23 (the age I was when I started Tesco) and 25 years service you get 48…. Freaky! Yup Then if you add 48 ( my age) and 25 years service you get 73! The year I was born…. Was I born to work at Tesco do you think? Have I fore-filled my destiny? Who knows.
My Garri is off to London to watch the football! He’s happy I just hope that he doesn’t bring COVID back cause it will surely kill me to get it again as I’ve heard plenty people do even after having both my vaccinations.
I do hope England win the poor fans need something after years of waiting and I’m not into football at all but I shall be watching this one.
I might…. Have a better blip for you all tomorrow .


Getting old……

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