Windmill 'De Hoop', Middelburg

'Hoop' sounds like, and means, 'hope'... but could also mean 'heap'.

This is the second windmill in Middelburg.  There are four, and the other two will get their moment in the spotlight another time... although I did see them today, from a distance.  I didn't shoot them, though, because I don't want to spoil things for myself.  There's an extra.

It was warm today, leaving me with a bit of claustrophobia.  Am already rather restless for lack of news from 16000 km. away, even as I trust that the wheels there are still turning, albeit slower, most likely.  The cloud radar website is really a good one, just as good as the rain radar website.

We both sleep rather late these days, not least because before we actually fall asleep we discuss the historical events described in The Burgundians.  AW knows a lot already, and I mean a lot, but there are still new details that he finds intriguing.  He helps me also with words I'm learning for the first time.  Not really difficult words, just new.  And then I read aloud a page or two, or a particularly interesting passage, and we talk about that.  You'd think it was one big bedtime story... and, well, actually, that is what it is.  We both loved history in our younger years, and apparently still do.  Of course, the next step would be to visit many of the places mentioned in the book, but that is still a no-no at this time, but that's okay.  I have already seen a number of the cities in Belgium, 10 years ago, to be exact, so it's about time for new visits.  It will happen again one day.

Happy to leave for a few hours this way.  I needed the distraction.  Besides, my happiness is my responsibility, and I have to push myself sometimes.  In the evening, for example, I drove AW to his evening of live bridge at Sweed's and Benna's.  It was a good excuse to see them, too.  I left him there, went home, did the bookkeeping and the dishes, in that order, and then it was time to pick him up.  They'd just finished but we hung around a short while for some pleasantries, and it was way too late for tea but that was okay.

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