Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

Almost a football team!

Couldn’t believe it this morning, when I looked outside and saw a mummy duck and ten ducklings heading across the lawn towards our pond!

Ducks apparently lay an egg every day for twelve days but the duckling embryos don't start developing until the mummy starts sitting on the eggs, which she only does after she’s laid the last one, meaning that they all end up hatching out within an hour or so of each other.

Ducks nest on the ground, usually in a hedge and often quite a way from water. Once all the ducklings have hatched, the mum has to get them to water very quickly, which can be quite a distance away and is no doubt a dangerous journey. I’ve no idea where these came from… or if she did, sadly, lose a couple on the way.

I’ve put another couple of pictures in the ‘extras’. Not brilliant photos, as I had to take them from quite far away so I didn’t disturb them, but it definitely made my day!

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