Bake the world a better place

Celebrating eldest son's and Fumiko's first anniversary today, at least this year we could be all together to celebrate it. I baked a cake for them :-)
And we had a take-away 5 course gourmet meal from one of the best restaurants here, and very nice it was. Got a bit late though and then there was the football final to watch. Congrats to Italy, I think my two Italian brothers-in-law will be very happy. So now it's past midnight and I'd better post quickly.

Thanks so much for all the Abstract Thursday entries last Thursday, watery or not. I was glad to see all the ways water featured in them.
This coming Thursday the optional theme will be 'lines' and the tag will be AT316. Here's the list of last Thursday's specials:
Hanulli                           rays of water
davidc                            birdbath sky reflections
DawnP                           oil and water , sand and sea colours
libeccio                          refracted stripes pattern
Honeycombebeach    a water abstract in her series of abstracts

Thank you very much for the kind comments and stars on yesterday's plushies talking Nerglish

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