You say goosegog, I say goosegob
8lbs topped n' tailed this afternoon, now squeezed into the freezer. More blackcurrants to harvest later. I spent a bit of time on the plot this morning attempting to prevent avian invasion on my fruit patch. I watched 2 cheeky Magpies working through the ripe tayberries on Liz's patch next door. The pigeons had landed on the netting covering a neighbours fruit & I noticed the beautiful cheery tree laden with glistening fruit last week was bare this morning. I hope the plotter got there before the blackbirds. Slug, snails, pheasant, pigeon ... you name. It's a challenge to be sure. I'm sure the continuing wet weather is'nt helping.
If it rains again, blame me .................... I did some housework this morning. I thought hubby would be out of bed when I got back but he was still in bed. I can't just hang about until he decides to rise from his pallet.
I needed a new windscreen wiper blade so made a couple of phone calls to get prices. Halfords, £18 plus £4 fitting. Trago, none in stock. I asked if he knew of anywhere else I could try. He suggested MotorMart in Newton Abbot. I rang them. "Yes we have it in stock, it's £8". "Would you be able to fit it for me please?" "Of course, no charge". That's a bit of a difference, so I drove into town, parked in the side street. The chap came outside to check the car, fitted the correct blade after breaking part of the old blade with his screwdriver, at which point, I thought to myself, I suppose he knows what he's doing. What a fiddly job. Neither hubby or I would have managed to change it. I gave him ten pounds. Worth every penny. The whole exercise took less than an hour.
I attempted to get Mum set up for on-line banking but failed, so will need to have another go tomorrow, or make a phone call. She tried to call the bank last week to transfer money from one account to another and got totally confused by the directions. Barclays bank is closing down in Newton Abbot so everyone is expected to conduct their business on-line or by phone, but it's not easy for the elderly, or me sometimes.
The sun's shining now, but they forecast more rain tomorrow.
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