Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Fairy Light Stick

Took advantage of it being cloudy to clean the roof terrace and the balcony in the late afternoon. Roped Bb into helping me hose it down after sweeping it all - it's easier with one hosing and the other brushing the water towards the drains. It's looking good now and ready to use.  Now we'll get 'dirty rain' of course, just like last time!

Almost no screen time today, which was nice, all house-related things.  We're making progress on our Edinburgh flat preparation for long term renting out and all the contents are now packed up ready to be either put in storage, taken to charity shops or picked up by family. Getting there!

Dinner on the patio of fideua, bought ready made in la Illa food Court served with alioli. Delicious and easy. 

Managed to get 10,000 steps. Most of it was in the house, up and down, back and forward and probably just 2000 on our evening walk.

Valencia has imposed a new curfew from 1.00am to 6.00 to control the 'botellons', illegal outdoor drinking parties and the increasing Covid numbers amongst the younger population. Barcelona has opted for closing everything at 12.30 and two big hose cleans of the most popular public areas to stop people from gathering there one at 11.30pm and one at 1.00am. Let's see.

My blip is a wee corner of the patio and our fairy light stick. It's fun just propping it up somewhere! 

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