Chanonry Point

We decided to go and try and see dolphins today at Chanonry point and to visit Fortrose and Rosemarkie where I have never been before.

We parked in Fortrose, on the right of this pic, and walked to the point. Well I expected some people there but was nor prepared for how many, see extra. That completely put me off the experience as being small I don;t do crowds very well nor did I feel I wanted to during this time even if outside.

We watched from behind and did see the dolphins catching and eating fish, looked like salmon. Not close enough to me for any photos.

We then walked to Rosemarkie on the left of this photo and back over the hill to Fortrose where we got this view. The path was not much fun as it was muddy and overgrown.

Some quiche bought from the Strathpeffer deli and we ate in the garden with a glass of wine, all very holiday like.

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