Much of today was spent glued to a screen getting some written materials print-ready, so here’s a picture from the garden, where I would have liked to have been. 

Each sunflower is actually thousands of tiny flowers.
Sunflowers are native to the Americas and were first cultivated around 1000bc.
Each sunflower can contain up to 2,000 seeds.
There are about 70 species of sunflowers. 
The French word for sunflower is "tournesol," which means "turns with the sun."
The tallest sunflower on record was over 30 feet tall, grown in Germany by Hans-Peter Schiffer, who held the record twice before.
Sunflowers have been planted to help soak up nuclear radiation and are good at absorbing toxins. Millions were planted after a tsunami destroyed reactors in the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan.

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