
By stellarossa

Busy day

First day back at work and it began with a very long overdue dental appointment. Apparently I have very good teeth - thank you mum and dad for that (although not for the inflexible stiff joints!).

Quick walk with the pup then back for a physio appointment by telephone. I have made huge progress and we are hopeful for a full recovery of the torn tendon in my shoulder.

Then a rather strange afternoon where I was busy on back to back work calls interrupted by frequent messages asking if Juno was safe. Apparently an almost identical dog had been found wandering round a local village looking lost. I had to keep checking but Juno was here snoring on the sofa, her doppelgänger being cared for by a bemused villager half a mile away. Finally the twin was reunited with a local farmer who lets her wander at will.

Later these gorgeous flowers arrived from Bee, and this evening I had a long chat with my lovely friend Kate - much missed since she moved to Sheffield.

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