Not even round, a dodecagonal - twelve sides.
Built in 1830-31 as a 'jail'.
It's the oldest public building in the State of Western Australia.
Worth a visit.
Signal mast in the background - an early method of signalling ships at sea.
A 'time ball' on the mast - used to signal the correct time for seafarers to set their chronometers.  

Not the best photo taken late in the day, wind howling and you might see the billowing of the signal mast wires/cables, Angus and Scarlett having a ball before they realised it was cold.
Thanks Bob for hosting Ring/Circle challenge this week.
If The Roundhouse doesn't qualify then the time ball might.

I'm pleased you all enjoyed seeing Andrew taking a dip in the flooded bunker and the defunct daisy - thank you.

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