Store Room

I’m hoping this is the low point in the home improvement journey. Most of the bedroom is now in the lounge so that work can commence on the new fitted wardrobe. Much drawing on the walls this morning to fine tune the internal layout, with the inevitable compromises around rail lengths and heights. If all works out as planned/scribbled on the wall then we should have similar hanging space to what we had before, but also more shelf and drawer storage. We shall have to see how it looks on Friday as we have disappeared off to Chester for a couple of nights so that the joiner can make as much mess as he needs in the bedroom. We put a final spanner in the works just before we left, requesting that he put a backboard in as we couldn’t see any way of patching and painting the wall once the unit was built. I do have a feeling that we won’t really know how it will all look until the room is painted and carpeted in a couple of months time.
But at least the next couple of nights will be spent in clean and tidy surroundings. We will make the most of it before returning to the chaos above on Friday!

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