Absurdly bonkers day

I had to wake munchie up
Dropped her round at auntie Katie’s in her
Went to work

We’ve spent the day up on the hills
We’ve had snacks/ we have played / they’ve rolled down hills/ explored and just had fun

My eyes have suffered terribly today
Pollen was hideous

Left staff meeting at 4:30
Picked up Wom
Dropped munchie round at mummy Claire’s
Took Wom to the woods for his investiture
He was amazing
Left there
Picked up scamp
Dropped him home and made packed lunches
Went back to get Wom from the woods
Auntie Katie brought Charlotte home from brownies - she’s one badge away from
Getting her gold brownie badge now

Sorted tinkers
Food delivery came
Got tinkers to bed
Although they are in our room!!!

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