Awesome Arnolds

We were up and out very early to get across to San An to take a snap of these 5 for a friend who wants a picture of them. Lovely to have a quick coffee together afterwards. Not long til they leave, it feels like the countdown is on and it's hard! They're doing this whole process so so well, I have a lot of admiration for them. 
Asha and I met up with the English Speaking church guys - so lovely! And they're so kind to Asha. Plus one of the ladies had remembered Asha loves lemon curd so gave her 2 homemade jars of the stuff!
A strange afternoon of all our commitments being gave Asha and me time to hunt down macrame bits...we went on a wild goose chase with one shop sending us onto the next etc etc, but we ended the search in a real treasure trove of a we're glad to have found it!

Rubbish bit of the day;
Hearing that England has put the Balearics back onto the amber list...meaning my friend (in the extra pic) who I've not seen for 2.5 years won't be able to come on Monday as she's not had her 2nd jab yet and can't afford to quarantine. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The Arnolds and the example they set in so many ways.
2) Getting to know this group of folks from the English Speaking Church.
3) Asha looking like a kid in a sweet shop when we found this haberdashery style shop.

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