Fun, fun, fun

Niall looked out his window and spotted the little sailing boats way down below him and sent me a pic.  I needed a blip so of course I rushed down to the area I thought they would be and had fun capturing all the activity.
There were sailing boats, canoes and jet skis enjoying the hot weather.

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 105new cases, 0 fatalities and116 recoveries today

BAHRAIN yesterday heaved a sigh of relief as it recorded no Covid-19 fatalities for two days in a row – after 106 days.
Bahrain's active cases have dropped to below 1,000.  There are 998 active cases on the island 

Indonesia - Recorded 54,000 cases in the latest of many peaks in the past month, 
Daily infections on Wednesday also surpassed those in India

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