A Day to Remember

Not in a good way and my blip has nothing to do with it - EB 3 in a row.

Our eyes are on the northern part of my state Rheinland-Pfalz, where the rain (a low named Bernd) caused severe floodings, the worst between Trier and Koblenz. Can't believe what I see on the news. 130 liters of rain on the square meter. The Kyll, a small river, with an average depth of 80 centimers was 8 meters; the Ahr, an average of half a meter to one meter, more the 5 meters high. A hospital in Trier-Ehrang evacuated. 19 people dead, many many still missing. People (still) looked in their homes, surrounded by water. Destroyed homes, villages not accessable, streets swept away.
Fire department and help from everywhere on their way to help.
I feel ashamed for complaining about the rain we got earlier this week.
Nothing compared to what we see today.

19:15; 23°C

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