Mary Again

Because covid seems to be closing in I ask all visitors to wear a mask when visiting Carol. Ann did last week as did Mary today.

I recently acquired some plastic reusable ice cubes which I've been using in my G and T. Today after sipping my first I left the room for 5 mins. When I came back I realised C was chewing. Out of her mouth came a chewed up plastic ice cube of unknown origin and unknown content. I panicked and rang 111. They said to wait for a call back. After 1 hour Zizi cut one open and we both smelt and tasted the contents. Believing it to be water and not some kind of gel. Some time later the NHS rang back and after a chat we were given the all clear.


Nicola was taken off standby and life returned to normal.....

Carol very very doolally today drove me to drink and almost shouting at her whilst Mary was here. She thought I handled it amazingly but I'm not quite so sure..... Grrrrrr

Fine day

Stay safe and thanks for calling.



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