Evening walk

I had a meeting in London, to take someone through the assignments I've worked on to date for the masters.  Was nice to share the work and talk it through with someone who is interested.  I had an hour to kill after the end of the meeting until my train, so decided to walk to Kings Cross, only took an hour and surely a far better mode of transport than the bus or tube.  

The boys are SUPER excited about the end of term.  They haven't really had one before, given that last year was a bit of a damp squib in that respect, so it's all new and exciting.  They have come home with all their work books - there's quite a lot - especially given they were off for more than half a term of the year. Super tired childen who had an argument almost as soon as they got in (about where a pretend lake was to be placed). 

Today I'm grateful for: 
The opportunity to take someone through my work
The excitement about the end of term - I think I'm prepared for 7 weeks of children at home... 
Home time, I'm tired of spending evenings working

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