It's all in the family
Today I was with my toddler grandson looking after him while his parents were at work, doing their jobs. We had a swell day together, but when his mum returned home he wanted to be in her arms straight on. Here they're sharpening a point on a color pencil when he was coloring a drawing for his papa.
My SIL is cooking dinner in the kitchen behind them and I'm still not fully used to their role pattern, but it's fine; it's theirs. He loves to cook like his papa did and thus know what he will get on his plate. Funny that such patterns follow from parent onto child.
Today's newses I heard when driving home and having the radio open.
Crime reporter Peter R. de Vries had died from the shotwounds he'd received 9 days ago and all in our country feel sad and angry that he's executed thus by criminals ccz they feared his research and words..
The other new is that in the province of Limburg, what's in the region of Belgium's Ardennes and German Eifel, have flooded from the severe rainfalls of the past days / week. The damage in that region is enormous, Belgium and Germany are hit harder than Holland is, as houses have collapsed there and more than handsful of people have been drowned; that the Dutch have been saved from so far.. The flooding rivers still run wild and waterlevels still rise; so it's far from over yet and for many a too dramatic day this was.
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