The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Shared Kinross

The fashion for shared space for cars and people is great...for sighted people. Unfortunately  for visually impaired, it's  not so great. 

We had a lovely reunion  with Laddie and his owner, as we let Molly out for a play. Heather was working and we had fun. The walk  home dodging between  shaded areas to prevent the MonStar baking. It was 26C According to  a local weatherman. I quite believe  it.
I abandoned  her in the house for the afternoon as I drove to Livi to see big Sis. Official  confirmation  for Mum's  estate paper signed. Will it ever end?
Anyhoo it was good to see her and I lent her the carpet cleaner. Unfortunately  an accident  on the bridge, scuppered my attempt to "beat the traffic", a 3 mile tail back to get to Fife . Thank goodness for air conditioned modern cars.

A cooling Goulash for tea... ah well, best laid menus and all that.


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