
By Kitrushing

Poor Fritz

Fritz the Ferocious suffered two crises this week. 
I think he was stung by something day before yesterday... then again today. 

After the first bite Fritz took off and hid in backyard bushes. We could not locate him until I used Apple Find Friends to ping the little device I hung a week or two ago from his collar.

We located him hiding deep within backyard buses. Mom and I coaxed him into my arms. I carried him to the back porch and we tried to sooth him. He could not understand what was happening. Fritz's pain was palpable.

He’s not been himself since the bite, very subdued, wanting to be with my Frances or me.

Last night instead of settling in to his usual spot at the bottom of the bed, he insisted on curling on the pillows between my dear wife and me.

Then today, he was, apparently stung again on his right front paw. This time he ran to me, but he backed away when I tried to examine the bite. I was able to adminster ice. That seemed to help. Fritz loves ice anyway.

The traumas this week keep occurring. He’s now napping with his security blanket in the Mom’s chair next to mine. We are listening to soft music. He seems to be sleeping peacefully.

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