Colour of Mourning

We have white ones and purple ones.  The white ones bloomed in December and fell off only last week, and now there are new ones again... unbelievable!  These, on the other hand, have only recently opened after about a year of absence.  I like the way they are all in a row.

Still at home, waiting for the skies to clear.  No chance of that happening today or tonight.

Today, our best-known crime reporter died from gunshot wounds to the head.  He was shot last week after taking part in a TV show and some five hours afterwards, two suspects were arrested on the A4 heading towards (or away from?) Amsterdam, and one of them is most likely the perpetrator.  The entire country is in mourning.  I feel like having them hogtied to a tree and lynched... which of course will never happen here.  For more than 30 years he'd helped the police solve cold cases and stood by and supported many victims' families in their search for justice.

Rest in peace, Peter R. de Vries.

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