Follow the leader.....

Posting on 16.07 21!

I'm taking ages to edit these holiday photos. Just so enjoying the memories each time I look at them!

The little ones loved the freedom of this field and this morning it was a Pilates session lead by young George. Sophia took his instruction so graciously. She's great with anyone! We adults had our turn at rounders, football and some great games with the frisbee. 

 We all cooked and ate a roast chicken Sunday lunch in our cottages, followed by strawberries and ice cream in various groups on the field. We cut another cake today. This time to celebrate all the birthdays we've had between us during the last fifteen months. There have been some significant ones among the adults and children.

It's been another day of unexpectedly good weather. Not the sunshine of yesterday but a very pleasant temperature. One of the camping couples has moved into a cottage for tonight, the room Esmee had all to herself before she had to go home yesterday. 

This evening some families have had to make their way home. School and work calls for tomorrow. Goodbyes are not easy after the wonderful time we've had together!

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