
By Marionb

Meet Bailey.... companion of my friend and former teaching colleague, Pat. When Pat retired, she adopted Bailey and they have been inseparable ever since. Pat has always been a dog person....and has always had a dog. 

I am a cat person, and have always had a cat. I love dogs too but cats are easier. I do, however, understand the appeal of having a dog. They love you unconditionally. They help you live longer because you get out and walk with them every day. They are loyal friends. They look you in the eye adoringly. Cats don't do those things. They don't do tricks. They don't obey or sit on command. In fact they will do nothing on command...But they are cute and petting them is good for your blood pressure.  I am sure they have other desirable attributes, but this posting is about Bailey. We can discuss my cat Maggie at another time! 

This morning I went to Pat's for morning coffee and had an enjoyable visit with both her and Bailey. I had not seen either of them for quite some time, being in isolation and all. Bailey kind of adopted me when I arrived. He followed me around, looking up at me as if he expected me to pet him. I did. I got out my iPhone and mentioned the word "photo" to Pat and up he jumped - yes, onto the sofa - and posed. I didn't even have to ask!  (See above). We went out onto the deck for our coffee and he sat next to me, his head almost in my lap, just like he was my best buddy. I was SO impressed with all the attention and admiration I was getting from this dog, thinking that maybe dogs DO rule...and I should get one?...but then I remembered..I am a cat person. Cats are easier.... 

Bailey is a pretty special dog. He is a Sheltie, and they are known for their intelligence, athleticism, and loyalty, and he exhibits all those things.  Pat has been taking him for agility training for years now, running him through hoops and over barriers and he just loves it.  He learns quickly and is now competing in agility trials, showing off his athletic prowess. That is the Bailey I knew before. But even more impressive, to me at least, is that he is now qualified as a pet therapy dog too..and I have just witnessed how well he can do that job!

Before the pandemic, Pat had begun taking him into nursing homes to visit the residents, but that stopped when COVD hit. When life returns to normal again, she has decided to focus more on having him work with children in schools and libraries helping them, for example, in reading programs. The two of them will make a great team as Pat is a retired teacher of English and also a secondary school administrator, comfortable working with both teachers and students. Bailey will be making his contribution by being a companion for a child who needs some loving support. 

So my kudos go out to both of them for taking the skills they have and offering them back to their community to make it a better place.  Maggie is impressed too, sends her regards, but wants her dinner NOW.

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