Bad Husband, Good Uncle

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

At work, we all agreed that it has been a week. 

Despite no more travel for the immediate future, we were all rushed off our feet this week. First of all, because the room posters have started going up, and arranging the logistics for this is more complex than you might imagine.

Second of all, because it was Steering Group week, so we were all working hard to make our presentations shine.

Getting $1.15 million to continue on with the project was riding on this so making them SHINY was important. You will be glad to hear that my two presentations went over very well.

Meanwhile, Shenée was all business. It is a side of her I have perhaps not conveyed fully to you. Purely because that version of her is not as entertaining as "Fun Shenée". But I should mention Business Shenée so you get an idea of just how impressive she is. 

She ran through all her figures with the management, explained everything, told them how much we have delivered on a fraction of what we asked for so far, laid out her plan - with contingency - and gave realistic dates for when we'd be doing what and where and how*.

"Can I get your approval to proceed?" she finished up. 

The somewhat stunned managers looked at each other. And they gave their approval. 

"Thanks for the money," she beamed.

After work, I went home with Fazzy. She and Shahier very kindly offered to make me dinner while Caro was away.

"Errrr...." I said.

"What?" asked Fazzy.

"Well. Here's the thing. Funny story..." I said. "It turns out I got the days wrong. Caro is actually back TODAY. So I won't see her until late."

"Oh no!" replied Fazzy. "She can come over too if she wants."

I know my wife, and figured after a day of travelling she would want to hole up with reality tv, so I declined on her behalf. But it was a nice thought.

I took Midnight Party with me, so me and the Fazzy Family had a fun evening of board games after another wonderful Shahier dinner. And - as you might expect - Hani and Zay LOVED Huuuuuugo. 

Afterward, they - as a family - drove me home to Paraparaumu and I thanked them again for taking such good care of me. "And now I'll be going inside to see my lovely wife... errrr.... what's her name again?" I asked. 

"THIS guy!" said Fazzy. "You're TERRIBLE!"

"Is it... errrr... is it 'Faz-ro'? It's something like that, right?" I asked.

Fortunately for me, Shahier gave me leftovers to take home for Caro. And I am forgiven. 


* For context, another project manager recently had HIS project approved despite providing a plan with LITERALLY no dates in it. He would - he said - be delivering the thing errrrr "sometime". Also he mis-spelled the name of the product he would actually be delivering throughout the entire document. 

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