
I have seen this done before, and done much better, but I rushed it (again) and this was the result...

Today has mostly been packing for our little holiday and just spending time together. We took H shoe shopping this afternoon yet again, and walked out with a pair of shoes that are size one and half. ONE AND A HALF! He was five in January! It's like when you see a puppy with huge paws and you just know it's going to grow into a mahoosive dog. I fear for my future food bills, I really do.

We went to see The Croods after that which I would definitely recommend! We all enjoyed it. Time to relax now, put my feet up and paint my nails. Everything is ready for tomorrow and my kindle is fully charged and fully loaded with some new books to get my teeth into.

This is it from me until Friday. I will still be taking my blips, but I'm not taking the laptop as I'm going to have a break from it and concentrate on family time rather than computer time. I will try and keep up with your journals via my iPhone, but if not I'll do it when I get back.

So TTFN blippers! "See" you all on Friday! xx

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