New projects.

The wooden head is a garden ornament that has suffered the ravages of time and although I have regularly painted it with preservative it has still rotted. I decided to used wood hardener on it and when I started to brush away the loose bits the rot was much more extensive than I had realised. I have some wood filler and I am hoping it goes back together. If/when it does it will be as much filler as wood. There is a massive hole in the top of the head, the 'hair' consists of roots that have mostly fallen off. I am hoping to reattach. Will Kirk from the Repair Shop TV programme is my inspiration.
The material is for another project but I have a feeling that will be one of my 'on the back burner' things so it might never be done. Wish me luck getting this head back together together- haha I wish I could get my head together sometimes.
Extra is Hendon beach. It was scorching hot. I have never seen so many people there. There were loads in the sea. This is the wild beach with no ice cream, slot machines or fish and chips. Just sea, beautiful sand and sky.
I managed to glue the head together around the spike that supports the top part. I am hoping it stays secure. I am leaving it to dry for a while before adding the wood filler. Pictured in extra with bungees clamping it together.

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