Lock Out
The morning started bright and steadily got worse! A steady breakfast was taken again in our foldyard. The lads then set off down the canal towpath, while I nipped to the farm shop to get bird seed for my feeders. I then drove to the end of the outward leg of todays walk, firstly to check a short section of unclear link up of two footpaths, and because my hips and shins were very sore from yesterday. The above is the point at which we met up again, we all walked back to my car only to find the village Pub was not open on Sundays for lunch! At this point those with the a 7hr drive ahead of the came home with me for an early set off. Just before the remianing 7 made it back to mine for a late lunch the rain started, by the end of lunch and loading of kit it was snowing! By the time the last car left it wa settling.
So we had a mixed weekend of weather, great company, fine food and drink and some excellent walking. Safe journey men!
Miller done a "hairy biker curry" consumed, F1 GP on video and an early night! Will start catching up on my comments, take care one and all ;¬}
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