In The Shade

There was a lot of shade because it was very cloudy, and it alternately drizzled, showered, and rained.  Fortunately, there were no floods in our area.  For all those who saw it in the news and wondered, thank you very much for your concern, and I'm pleased to report that we live quite a long way away from the stricken areas, which were all in Limburg.  A lot of damage assessment will be conducted in the coming months, hopefully resulting in some insurance pay-outs.

This is a pumpkin flower, and the pumpkins are growing slowly but surely in size, too.

Almost forgot... we spent the entire afternoon at the kitchen shop choosing some new stuff because a couple of items we'd ordered last year are no longer being manufactured, so some measurements changed, so we had to look at the sink and faucet again, and then of course a huge part of the colour scheme was affected, too, so we had to change more things.  What did NOT change was the price, which we were both happy with.

AW had an evening of live bridge at Sweed's and Benna's, and I took advantage again of his absence to catch up with some housework, which I'd already started earlier anyway.  Tomorrow will bring much fairer weather and I would like to hit the road.

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