
It has been an interesting few days here.  

On Monday Terry and i decided to take off in the afternoon and go for a good hike on the Red Island Trail, then the plan was to have lunch at the Clucking Hen and onto Liver River Beach for a bit of sun and sit!

The Actual trail was just fine, it brings you out to the ocean and a stoney beach.   We decided to walk part way along the beach cos we knew there was a connecting path back onto the trail!  Ha....the market must have been moved....we ended up having to back track quit a bit.   anyway, no big deal, except it had now taken almost 2 hours when i was anticipating 1 hour!   Back on flat grass to the car, my foot found a bit of a hole and i twisted my ankle and went down really hard on my right knee (the one with the knee replacement!) was very painful and for a little while i was a bit worried something had broken or whatever can happen to a titanium knee!   We ended up having lunch - my ankle was now quite swollen and painful.  No beach adventure for me, so we headed home.   I looked quite the sight with ice packs on left ankle and right knee!!!

So the next 2-3 days were not fun.....both legs hurt, my hips i took it easy in the studio.....did some trimming and put handles on the stuff i made a few days before.

For the past 2 days i have been feeling very low in energy and very tired, i might also be still recouping from the intense 5 weeks out west.  I am kinda amazed that it can take this long.

Anyway, now i feel more energy and have been making slab items in the studio.   A slow and somewhat meditative activity.

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