Sunflower (Day 2263)

A fairly busy day started with a wander up the hill with Sigyn. Next up, a trip to Tesco for the weekly shop. I still think it is worth getting to Tesco early in the morning before it gets too peopley. Home to unload the shopping, then load up the truck with stuff to go to the dump.
After a trip to the dump, I visited the horses to drop off water and do the poo picking duties. While I was there, I spent a while scratching Red. He enjoyed it so much that he tried to stop me from leaving the field.
Home for lunch, then a wander with Sigyn at a very windy Lyde. Later, while Sigyn ate her dinner, I trimmed (hacked) the hedge back a bit which should make it easier to see along the road as we drive out of our driveway.
I settled down to do a bit of paperwork, but was called out to deal with a leak in Quoyloo. It was fairly obvious it has been leaking for a while, but was a relatively easy fix. 
By the time I got home,  my beautiful wife had returned from her 24 hour shift. 

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