Busy busy!
All day, in and out of the foxgloves and the lavender. It's been gorgeous today, patio doors open and chilling, well as much as one can under the crochet blankets!
Mr T had his best day yet since the CAUTI and we were able to have what passed as a more normal conversation. Some things had upset him so I tried my best to explain things to him, but truthfully. He kept asking about his brothers and sister, who are no longer with us (and I never knew) but you aren't supposed to tell someone with dementia that people are dead, as to them they are back in a different time when they were all younger. I just said they weren't here at the moment. He said today they're gone aren't they? It gave us a base to have a conversation about how the infection had affected him, and he understood it, and was less anxious. A huge relief!
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