Joe's world in picture

By joejoe80

Half Marathon complete; Feet up!

Finally race day was here! I awoke this morning happy it was here but nervous and apprehensive as to how it would go as still had the niggly muscle pull at the top of my calf.
I went in with the attitude of go hard or go home!

The weather was trecherous (i have no idea how to spell that!) Cold rain that soaked you through to the bone. Bin bags were handed out to everyone to at least keep you a bit dry until the start. Just as we hit about the 2 mile mark I saw a glimmer of sunshine poking through and thought it may clear up. Butno it just fell heavier and harder. The race felt like I ran it with sponges on my feet. It got to the point where it wasn't even worth dodging puddles anymore!

I had previously had 2hr 7mins as a finish goal in my head. Bt when I hit 1hr 56 in a training run I hoped I could do it in 2 hours taking into account the mass of people!
I managed to creep up to the 2hr start point (should have been in 2hr30 as thats what I registered as) and this definately reduced some of the bodies to get past. It was still busy though and I was happy to overtake the 2hr pacer at mile 3. Now If I could just not let him overtake me I should be home and dry (dry .. now that would have been nice!)

At mile 7 I really felt my muscle pull kick inand knew I had to really focus to keep up the last half of the race. It was a time for pure mind over matter and determination that would get me through. Some runners may have thought I was alittle carzy having to conversation with my leg to stay strong and not give up. PMA PMA PMA!

Mile 12 was really tough but I knew I just had to keep pushing, and at 400m I told myself Usain Bolt could do that in sub 40 seconds so I should only have a few minutes left!

What a feeling coming round the bend into the Stadium "come on lets do this" I shouted followed by a cheer from my surrounding runners. Then uplifted running into the Madjeski stadium to the cheers from the crowd. I hadn't looked at the time when I crossed the start line but figured I'd started around 10minutes after the gun. It read 2:08. The 2hr pacer hadn't passed me. I really hoped I had done it!

Well on stopping my leg totally seized up and i now seem to be walking like I have a wooden leg!!

But it was worth it, A PB of 1:55:09 I am SO SO SO happy with that! I think I can happily retire for a bit!!!!!

So a few thank yous
Mads for signing me up and keeping me motivated
Jennie for being my race day run buddy
The dude handing out free beer at mile 7
And the foil blanket which possibly saved me from hypothermia at the end of the race!!

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