It’s That View Again
I’m not the only person who likes to be up with the larks, there are other people stravaigin about at an early hour although any young people I saw looked as though they had never been to bed in the first place.
I feel I have to get my morning cycling in while it’s light enough and early enough to beat the motorists who would deny me the chance to jinx around the pot holes and other road surface impediments designed to unseat the unwary.
Later I had coffee with the Sunday friends before having a rush of blood to my head and doing 3 washings and getting two of them dried outside stretched over the patio table- not a particularly good look, but the students who dry their boxers over the safety rail at their windows are hardly likely to complain.
I have a Zoom call with Wildwood and John this evening before watching the last stage of the Tour with my fingers crossed for Mark Cavendish to win the sprint in the Champs Élyseés.
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