
Down the wood early for our walk and usual weekend litter pick. As we entered the wood we met youngsters obviously going home . Further down we saw a person lying under a tree, having been there all night! The noise from another part of the wood made us leave the litter pick to later in the morning. An all night party had taken place and we did not want any confrontation.

By ten thirty we thought it would be much quieter. We noticed someone else had left litter in a couple of bags by the bin. We ventured forth and walked down to where the youngsters usually gather.

Total mess. Cans, bottles, general rubbish and all this round a still smoking bonfire. They had used fence posts and wooden slats from a fence to build the bonfire. We were told that the fire brigade had been called last night.

To say we were downhearted, disappointed and really angry is putting it mildly. We enjoy our lovely wood and try hard to keep it nice.

The youngsters involved are underage and most come from decent homes. We frequently see the parents dropping them off !!

Needless to say an e mail has been sent to our Councillor. We need action. NOW!

Extra …. photo of litter collected from one area that the youngsters frequent. This is one night’s haul.

Have not done much the rest of the day!

Ps. Notice a post on F/book last night showing a photo a dog walker had taken down the wood. It showed three boys ( who certainly could not be identified from the photo) round a tree where a fire had been lit right at the base of it.The trunk of the tree had been scorched.

The comments that followed were quite unbelievable. Everyone seemed to think the person posting this was a “ Grass.” Hardly anyone thought it was wrong and believed the boys were camping and suggested leaving them alone to enjoy themselves.

What chance do we have?

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