The Adventures of Emilia

By Emilias_mummy

Neigh....not my fingers horsey!

My tummy seems a bit better today so mama and papa toom the chance to leave the house. Normally on a Sunday I go to the park with alex but he is getting g ready for his holidays so we went to a farm not far from the house.

Last time I had a great time there, but today I wasn't into it, probably still not feeling 100% but I did like stoking this little horse with a funny face... until he tried to nibble my fingers! Lucky it was just his tongue so was just a funny feeling. I showed him my tongue back but mama wouldn't let me lick him.

My recovery continued today with a good nap and then some time and oma's house, spent lots time playing with Lipton and finally ate something (mainly prawns). Mama thinks we are definitely through the Woods. Just as well since creche is closed this week, but she still has to work so it's just daddy and daughter days ahead!

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